Lathria Grielat

Born: 738 SE
Rank: Silver Knight, Warlock, Eldram
House: Aithr

Bio: Lathria's childhood was filled with darkness. She lived in a poor family that was consantly in debt, with parents that simply didn't care. When she was 13, her parents died of illness, and she and her brother were kicked out onto the streets. The two might have perished as well, had they not been found by Lord Herald Michean Kassil. Michean took the two into the Arcanum, where they both decided to become Heralds. Lathria devoted herself to her studies, and trained as hard as she could, joining the Knighthood at 15. Shortly after finishing her apprenticeship, she was transferred to the War Magic department to help develop spells for combat. When she was 20 years old, she decided to put her knowledge to use and became a War Mage. She trained in fighting under Karice, where she learned to be strong and stand up for herself. The confidence she gained under Karice led her to great heights, and by 762, she had become one of the Knighthood's few Warlocks. She was never afraid to approach Kinguin Peet, and he taught her many things about war magic he had discovered. In 764, she was elected to the Military High Council, to help on magic related issues. She doesn't talk much, but when she does, she usually has important things to say.